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Happy Clients

♦♦♦ I received treatments at Synergy Physical Therapy while traveling, with outstanding results and satisfaction. I received treatment for chronic back pain, and my back was more relaxed and pain free afterward than it has been in a very long time. Even more importantly, I received personal, focused attention, a thorough pre-treatment evaluation to prioritize my needs and design a treatment plan, and a home exercize plan targeting specific muscles for long term improvement and overall health management. The focus on “helping me to help myself” was unparalled in my previous PT experiences.


♦♦♦ A few years ago I had a foot surgery that left a scar on top of my foot.  It stayed so sensitive, and it was so hard to find shoes since anything touching the scar was uncomfortable.  I saw Caroline for one treatment, and within a few days the scar feels normal now.  I am finally wearing the shoes I want without a problem.  Thank you for helping me, Caroline!!


♦♦♦ I’m a mother of four children, and had c-sections with each baby.  My c-section scar has been sensitive for literally years now.  My lower abdomen has been numb for years, especially around the scar.  Lately, I noticed whenever I lift my arms up at the gym, I feel a pulling at my scar.  Caroline treated my scar.  After a week or two I noticed that I actually have feeling back in my abdomen!  There is no more numbness, and no more pulling.  No more sensitivity to light touch, but it’s still sensitive with heavy pressure.   So far we only had one treatment and I am looking forward to the changes with the next treatment.


♦♦♦ When I first met Caroline and she gave me my first treatment, I was skeptical. Very skeptical when nothing changed after my first treatment. I have had severe back pain [for 10 years] when I wake up each morning and wanted to see if Bowen Therapy would help. I decided to make another appointment. A few days later after my 2nd treatment, I woke up one morning and my back pain was gone! I started to notice something is changing as the days followed. No more lower back pain when I awoke in the morning. I couldn’t believe it. I think I have had 3 treatments in total and I feel great. I would recommend the Bowen Therapy to anyone seeking relief from aches and pain. Keep in mind when going through the Bowen Therapy like Caroline says, “have patience, take notice of any changes, and wait.”


♦♦♦ I have had three neck surgeries and this last surgery left me feeling helpless. I suffered from constant neck pain, tightness, headaches and many sleepless nights. I decided to give Bowen a try. After the first session I immediately noticed that I started to sleep more soundly and more hours straight through. I also noticed that I was having more dreams. After several more sessions I noticed that I was using less pain medications and that my headaches were becoming less frequent. My pain levels were much lower than when I first started Bowen and I was now sleeping like a baby every night. I would suggest this form of therapy to anyone who is in pain or even has issues with sleeping. I noticed myself becoming more relaxed and feeling more in control of my body. Caroline is wonderful. Her moves are so gentle and she is very caring.

I hope this works for you as well!


♦♦♦ My name is Linda M and I am 56 years of age, who have been in chronic pain in my upper and lower back, neck, knees for countless years. I have wonderful insurance, but for the most part I am given a muscle relaxer or a strong pain killer, which does nothing to me just give me dry mouth and the worst case of grogginess.     I am alway looking for different methonds of treatment to help me with my pain and sleep disorder, from accupuncture to chiropractic who do help me, but temporarily.    Started the Bowen Method and wow, I was first sceptical, but there is a strong difference with my level of pain from when I first started. Do not get me wrong, the pain is still there, but it is tolerable. But what I am amazed with is my sleep. No pills, no aromatherapy, I sleep uninterrupted like i haven’t for decades. This is what I am impressed with,  Have not had a treatment in several weeks, due to different schedule, but I sleep well. And that to me is very important. Will be asking my primary doctor/insurance if the Bowen Treatment could be included, so I can continue. Even if it is not covered, I will continue this treatment. Best thing that ever happen to me.


♦♦♦ After my first Bowen treatment, I felt deeply relaxed. This lasted all day!
I had many places my body was in pain, mostly due to injuries over the years.
The pain was decreased  to a minimal  level and I slept well that night.
The treatments have continued to help my body let go of old holding patterns,
sleep better, stay more relaxed, with less pain.
The Bowen treatment is simple and painless to receive, yet it is quite profound
how the body responds!
Dr. Caroline is caring and highly skilled. I recommend her to everyone I know.


I’m a 34 yr old wife and mother of 2 boys living with Systemic Lupus.I have chronic widespread pain that very often doesn’t respond to pain relievers.I have a high tolerance for pain and because of this I just accepted the pain as part of my life for the most part.However, I’m open to any natural way of pain relief and was excited to try the Bowen method.My situation is different in that I didn’t have an injury causing my pain and the results may be different for me because of this.On my first visit, my pain level was about an 8.My back,neck and legs were my worst problem areas.After about the fourth visit I noticed changes in my back.It no longer ached chronically.I can’t even begin to explain the relief I encountered.I’ve seen growth in all areas treated and it has helped me to be able to move more freely.My pain is not completely gone but it has improved significantly from my initial visit.I had 10 treatments in all and each of them unique to the problem area.My pain level has been reduced to a 4 or 5 and my quality of life has improved because of it.

Many thanks,K. B.

♦♦♦ I have tried many modalities of alternative healing in the past because of my sensitive body chemistry that cannot tolerate western medicines toolbox of medications.  Caroline is one of the most compassionate, gifted, knowledgeable, talented, and spiritual therapists that I have ever met.  She sees and treats the whole person combining her wide expanse of expertise.

I first saw her for pain in my left knee, low back, and jaw.  I was simply amazed at how my body responded to her application of the Bowen technique.  My body buzzed with a new energy and awareness.  The pain in my knee and low back are gone and the pain in my jaw has significantly decreased.  I have more awareness of how important good posture, proper breathing, and letting the body relax are in the scheme of life.

One of the coolest things about the Bowen technique administered by Caroline is the complete sense of quiet and peace that permeate the room during the treatment.  It is very rare in our society to have time and space for complete quiet for the brain, the heart, the body, and the spirit delight in such moments.

I highly recommend Caroline for anyone suffering from chronic pain.  I have always left her office feeling better and I have always learned something from her.  She has been an angel from God during a very difficult time in my life.  I will always be grateful to her.
