How to make the most of your medical and therapy appointments

Here are guidelines to consider when talking to the health care provider or therapist you will be working with: Your healthcare provider is not a mind reader — Do not hide your symptoms: People seek help when something feels wrong, or when they are concerned about something.  Going to a healthcare provider can be a stressful and confusing experience.  It is natural to want to show that everything is “O.K.” so that everything will be “O.K.”  Healthcare providers are seen […]

Let’s talk about Bowen Therapy

Wanting to share Bowen with the world today! It’s an amazing form of bodywork that I haven’t been able to work into traditional PT practice, and is why I’m so excited to introduce it to my practice. Many practitioners write that they believe it actually resets the autonomic nervous system, and from what I’ve seen, I believe it too. Within a few visits of treating issues related to pain, I’ve seen levels of anxiety improve, and many people’s insomnia goes […]

Pain back there? Piriformis “pain in the butt” Syndrome

Pain back there? Or also down the back of your thigh or leg? Impairments of the piriformis muscle can mimic sciatica.  Let us see if it’s the piriformis muscle ailing you.  

Is your body in balance?

Habitual postures, repetitive activities, and old injuries can contribute to muscular imbalances. These imbalances can cause pain and can also put you at risk for injury! For example, regularly wearing high heels or sitting with your heels propped up on a chair are examples that contribute to muscle tightness in the back of your legs (the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles). This is a major cause of heel pain, and also affects the feet, the knees, and even fall risk! Here‘s […]

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Under construction: Blog posts soon to come!

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